About Me

Hello! My name is Sam Rodriguez. I’m currently a student learning graphic design, animation, and art. When I was younger, I would always draw every chance I got. I really fell in love with drawing when I got to the end of my elemetry years and began middle school. I worked and practiced everyday and honing my skills in art. I began to see major progress aftr years of not being satisfied with the results that were turning up. When I first got to highschool I began to start making my way through film which gave me a new sense of artistic expression. It drove me to have a foot in every form of art. From playing piano, being in choir, painting, etc. My passion and love for the arts are an endless void. I’m always wanting to learn more every chance I get and don’t plan to stop learning. I plan to grow and make art my greatest skill, graduate with a degree in arts, and make it my carrer.

Some small things that started to get me into art was cartoons and graphic novels. I grew up loving Marval, Transformers, DC, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and Teen Titans. I loved seeing these films of such wonder and skill. Even though I never knew it clearly the time, I found that animation was something I was very drawn to. I loved the details and precision it took to draw each frame by hand and how happy it made people to watch your hard work. I also studied the work behind the voices of the animated characters we love. All the componits of it had me head over heels for the occupation.

I hope this has brought you some insight for my purpose and love for learning the arts and thank you for reading about me.

Sam Rodriguez

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